
Sharon Omara

also stumbled across the work of this artist who I share similar intrests

thinking no doubt



ink on paper
11.25" x 7.625"

Walking drawing made in Santa Clara Mountains, California


chalk and light on floor

Drawing with found light in the barn at the Djersassi Foundation, Woodside California. Drawing in constant motion as sun moved across sky

Following the lecture i decided to look up some of the artists that were mentioned... searching for Jan Dibbets i came across this image posted on someones blog.. strangely the blog, in appearance is very similar to mine.. http://jennifer-mao.blogspot.com/2009/07/jan-dibbets.html

..i wondered if we had similar interests


Marc Bauer

Article in Artforum

debate.. drawing vs painting

blurring, smudging - emulates painting
rubbings- remove pencil. create distance by literally taking it away
style of drawing compared to oil glazing
obvious affinities- Gerhard Richter
blurs forms and outline so that they lose any detail or plasticity
linger in the past tense- based on black and white films or photography

unlike 'traditional' drawing- seen as an analytic medium
individual lines remained visible to reveal the hand of the artist
form of visual thinking
performative pencil lines allowed viewers to reconstruct the artist's intellectual and creative process
present tense- never complete- always could imagine continuing the process


action or event of the making process
performance or event

... make work.

Annie Hall

screening i went to yesterday... love the film



Angus Fairhurst

Exhibition i went to a few months ago.  South Audley Street.

Installation in room downstairs.

unexpected. completely different to the work upstairs- did they relate?

no advertisement. text. abstract.

wasn't sure if i liked the piece. really wanted to sit on the bench.

what i did like is the space between the shelter and the seat. the seat rotated, set away from the shelter.

remembering really wanting to sit down

what other objects do we usually see together? would it be unusual to see them apart?
viewing the everyday differently.

time and sequence with regard to the viewer’s experience. Philippe Parreno


'Taking the exhibition as a medium, Parreno has sought to redefine the exhibition experience by exploring its possibilities as a coherent 'object' rather than a collection of individual works' exhibition leaflet.

Philippe Parreno

walked into the space. white walls. black screen. speakers. noticed ice outside the window.. when was that from? wondered when it had snowed? thought must get cold in the park. sound.. couldn't quite hear it. walked closer to the speakers but no sound was coming out. saw two other people also looking as confused as me.

went through a room (A Palace for us. next screening 2 mins) watched that film. documentary. old fashioned and new. narrative.

walked back out of that room, into the room where i previously was and the lights had been switched off. now even more confused.

heard noise. followed it. caught the end of one of the films. wished i had seen the beginning.
wondered why these people were dotted in the landscape stood still.

lights on. screens up. clever.
left with white room

followed a man into a dark room.
chinese boy. loud music. strange. monsters. watching. following. disturbing. frightening.

blinds. screens up. dark outside. orange lights. snow. thats where the ice came from. snow is a part of the exhibition.

children's voices. middle room. wasnt a fan of this work. wanted it to finish to see the next film. presumed it would be shown in the space where a first walked when i went into the exhibition.
i was right.

grasped the rotation. sequence. looked at people still looking confused.

lit up building. white fabric. country. water. orange lights. floating. calm. sudden change. buffalo. factory. sudden change in sound made me jump.

intriguing, fascinating, odd, captivating

begun rotation again. able to watch the film that i had missed the beginning to. this was my favousrite out the films. strangely fascinating watching someone watching.

clearly i didn't know anything about the exhibition. i do now.


After the Royal Academy I walked through Hyde park to the Serpentine Gallery..  I chatted to a man. coincidently he is an architect from Germany.

While walking through Hyde Park

Masterworks. Architecture at the Royal Academy

Sir Denys Lasdun RA (1914–2001), ‘Models in Dialogue’. The National Theatre, South Bank, London, 1991. Photograph by Arnold Behr of room with models, with added autograph perspective drawing in pen with black ink and white correction fluid. © Royal Academy of Arts, London

Favourite was a drawing by Sir David Chipperfield. 2008. Neus Museum island. Berlin. Germany.

drawing was of half of the building, sliced down the centre. photogrammetry, computer generated imagery, line drawing, colour rendering- digitally edited and printed on canvas.

not about the design for mei enjoy the technicality of the drawings. old architectures.. skilled drawings. accurate, precise diagrams in pencil and watercolour. now irrelevant... we have computers to do it.


some photos i took from the black balloon exhibition

Interesting exhibition space- displayed to public on the northbank. able to spend time with the piece, no pressure to move on.

Interesting watching members of the public (mainly joggers) do a double take to see 'whats going on'.

Video 1- outside of central london. the areas people never see.. beyond the buildings

VIDEO 2- tried to capture shots at the start of the video as the balloon took off.

when photographing the piece i began to notice not only the piece but the image behind the piece and the reflection through the window... i began trying to capture all of this. The video is showing a birds-eye view of buildings you can see infront and behind you ... maybe this was the reason for exhibiting in this space? 

linked to lecture- 'what is a photograph?' capturing reality. couldn't just capture images of the video without getting the light from the projector and the reflection. also shadows of people.. real space at certain time.

The Black Balloon


The Black Balloon is a video and sound installation documenting an artistic intervention into London airspace. The piece gives a
unique perspective on the city of London which is by turns playful, uplifting and technologically innovative.


Video is the only constant

Event I attended on sunday night.. enjoyed the work but also very much enjoyed the interviews with the artists.

enjoyed the event.. seeing the videos in a 'cinema like' context. in a gallery.. how much time would i have spent watching the videos?.. here i was forced to watch the videos in full.

questions and answers.. able to gain further insight into the work. the process, inspiration, ideas of the artist. easy to understand.

does the image come before the sound?/sound come before the image? evolve together?
how the work is exhibited.. interesting some of the videos are usually displayed as installations, still photography. how does this change the work?

'i would prefer to show the work, than not show it'

artists still saw the work as work in progress.

pattern..video game style. colour

body. form. distortion. mirrored

theatre. dance. movement. lights. we assume video should be a moving image.

unfortunately i didn't see all the videos.



Had a great night at secret wars on saturday! euro league final. Amsterdam Vs Birmingham
.... Amsterdam won.


Agnes Martin

Although the form of the work is minimal, Agnes Martin refers to herself as abstract expressionist. The work is not about ideas, its personal, emotional and spiritual, ’ not about this world’.

‘I think the quantity we made for the Tate is already beyond imagination and it is going to be some kind of myth for the history of this town’.

enjoyed this video .. about the work in process as much as the piece.   think i even may have preferred it?

Ai Weiwei

Ai Weiwei. Tate Modern 25.11.10

Collected string

collected string from the streets- could anything be done with this?

different lengths of string depending on where the string had snapped- display these?

untangling the string- film. challenge. endurance

would have said the string is a drawing as it ran through the streets.. here appears as a sculpture?

First year exhibition- triangle space

15 balls of string.

walk with string through exhibition and outside of gallery space, following a set of instructions, until the string runs out or i hit a dead end. display directions and any remaining balls of string.

photographs taken- 1.12.10. day after the production of the piece

would the documentation, photographs (video which is still to be uploaded) worked better than the actual piece?

was the string noticeable in  the exhibition space?
did anyone question why it was there? did people follow the string? lead anyone into exhibition/ out of exhibition? did it lead anyone through the galley space? - do i need to document this to see if the work works?

due to wet weather conditions, the string snapped when people walked over it.. idea worked but execution didn't- possibly place tubing over the string to protect it?

interesting.. leftover balls of string and directions became another work involving the participation of the audience.. saw a member of the public try follow the directions and walk around the exhibition space with the string

solo show.. may have worked better. audience would be more aware of the piece

unlike other works there is no narrative or meaning.. does this make 'bad art'. does the work need to be understood or is just to question the work good enough



posts at the moment are a back log from before christmas..

 i am using these posts to reflect on the work i've produced over the first term and try figure out what is that interests me.

because currently.. an issue in my work.. i don't seem to have an overall theme.. or i just cant notice it? im unsure of what the thing is that i'm exploring?
is this an issue or is it ok just to create ideas and find similarities within them? maybe it will take time for this 'theme' to come.
spikemagazine.com. 24.11.10

'londoners don't live in london, they live in the tube map of london' Ian Sinclair- london orbital.

does this relate to my obvious choice to begin documenting my tube journeys when i first arrived in london? millions of people following the same system, fascination of where they are going? why?

psycho-geography- 'the study of specific effects of geographical environment, consciously organised or not, on the emotions of behaviors and individuals' Guy Debord.

humans shape the environment/ how environment shapes humans

  • my friend visited london and noticed me and another friend automatically walk faster when on the tube

Sometimes doing something leads to doing nothing. Francis Alys

How important the role of documentation is to a piece?

Are the roles of performance and documentation both equal in the piece?
Does the work shift from the act/performance of a piece, to the work as video documentation due to the transient nature of the act?

Would the viewer see the piece differently , just walking past on the street to seeing it as a video? would the viewer even know it was art?


Quotes from other people are a great way of helping me realise and understand my own thinking and what I am trying to say.

Francis Alys

‘Through the absurd and sometimes impertinent nature of the poetic act, art provokes a moment of suspended meaning, a sensation of a senselessness that may reveal the absurdity of the situation. Via this act of transgression, the poetic act makes one step back for an instant from the circumstances. In short, it may make one look at things differently’. Francis Alys, 2008. ( A story of Deception, Tate)

walking.. 'its a state where you can be both alert to all peripheral vision and hearing, and yet totally lost in your thought process' ( A story of Deception, Tate)