
First year exhibition- triangle space

15 balls of string.

walk with string through exhibition and outside of gallery space, following a set of instructions, until the string runs out or i hit a dead end. display directions and any remaining balls of string.

photographs taken- 1.12.10. day after the production of the piece

would the documentation, photographs (video which is still to be uploaded) worked better than the actual piece?

was the string noticeable in  the exhibition space?
did anyone question why it was there? did people follow the string? lead anyone into exhibition/ out of exhibition? did it lead anyone through the galley space? - do i need to document this to see if the work works?

due to wet weather conditions, the string snapped when people walked over it.. idea worked but execution didn't- possibly place tubing over the string to protect it?

interesting.. leftover balls of string and directions became another work involving the participation of the audience.. saw a member of the public try follow the directions and walk around the exhibition space with the string

solo show.. may have worked better. audience would be more aware of the piece

unlike other works there is no narrative or meaning.. does this make 'bad art'. does the work need to be understood or is just to question the work good enough