
Philippe Parreno

walked into the space. white walls. black screen. speakers. noticed ice outside the window.. when was that from? wondered when it had snowed? thought must get cold in the park. sound.. couldn't quite hear it. walked closer to the speakers but no sound was coming out. saw two other people also looking as confused as me.

went through a room (A Palace for us. next screening 2 mins) watched that film. documentary. old fashioned and new. narrative.

walked back out of that room, into the room where i previously was and the lights had been switched off. now even more confused.

heard noise. followed it. caught the end of one of the films. wished i had seen the beginning.
wondered why these people were dotted in the landscape stood still.

lights on. screens up. clever.
left with white room

followed a man into a dark room.
chinese boy. loud music. strange. monsters. watching. following. disturbing. frightening.

blinds. screens up. dark outside. orange lights. snow. thats where the ice came from. snow is a part of the exhibition.

children's voices. middle room. wasnt a fan of this work. wanted it to finish to see the next film. presumed it would be shown in the space where a first walked when i went into the exhibition.
i was right.

grasped the rotation. sequence. looked at people still looking confused.

lit up building. white fabric. country. water. orange lights. floating. calm. sudden change. buffalo. factory. sudden change in sound made me jump.

intriguing, fascinating, odd, captivating

begun rotation again. able to watch the film that i had missed the beginning to. this was my favousrite out the films. strangely fascinating watching someone watching.

clearly i didn't know anything about the exhibition. i do now.