
Video is the only constant

Event I attended on sunday night.. enjoyed the work but also very much enjoyed the interviews with the artists.

enjoyed the event.. seeing the videos in a 'cinema like' context. in a gallery.. how much time would i have spent watching the videos?.. here i was forced to watch the videos in full.

questions and answers.. able to gain further insight into the work. the process, inspiration, ideas of the artist. easy to understand.

does the image come before the sound?/sound come before the image? evolve together?
how the work is exhibited.. interesting some of the videos are usually displayed as installations, still photography. how does this change the work?

'i would prefer to show the work, than not show it'

artists still saw the work as work in progress.

pattern..video game style. colour

body. form. distortion. mirrored

theatre. dance. movement. lights. we assume video should be a moving image.

unfortunately i didn't see all the videos.