
Ben Washington.

An magazine. Feb 2011.

viewers relationship to the object and space that they both occupy
space as it exists, imagined and experienced
mirrors structures around it

interestingly i came across this artist after just handing in an essay, in which i looked at the idea of 'art and objecthood' where factors of size, shape, space , the object and the viewer are all discussed.



Daniel Belasco Rogers




relates back to my work at the beginning of the year... tracing tube journeys.

wasn't sure where the work could go or why i was doing it ...  this wasn't a reason to stop.

Gabriel Orozco

seeing something different


imprints, circles, leftovers, remains


symmetry. diagrams. movement. people.




really enjoyed the exhibition.. every room had a different character but the relationships between the work remained. each room a different project. works with everything.. every medium. let the relationships form afterwards.

after feedback of my own work recently- 'too much of what i already know'- this exhibition made me want to just go out and experiment. set myself projects.

'explore something new in order to learn'

'process in order to understand why you are doing something'

i know this already so why am i holding back?



On Kawara

'date paintings'- each painting completed on the date shown. Should Kawara finish to fail a painting by midnight, he destroys it.

'You'll get it or you won't, be captivated or moved or not'. http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2002/dec/03/art.artsfeatures

What are the reasons why conceptual are is considered difficult?
Being struggling lately with 'the theme' in art? 'the theme' in my work? what is 'the theme'? what is meant by the theme? When researching On Kawara's work this came up...

However, what about the themes? Conceptual art was a movement in which the artists reconsidered the importance of the theme in art, placing emphasis on it. We may call it the art which used the 'importance of the theme' as the theme.... 
maybe this is my answer? 

Another of Kawaras works. 'one million years'


Alan Reynolds. Recent Reliefs and Drawings

Annely Juda Gallery. 27th Jan- 26th mar 2011

Pleasantly surprised by the size of this gallery.. Loved the exhibition!

This is the work i want to make. how can i make it different? make it new. is it relevant today?

white reliefs
tonal drawings



form, rhythm, structure, formality

Alan Reynolds: The making of a Concretist Artist by Michael Harrison...'distance' ...attracted to artist when they distance themselves from what they are doing.. art of standing back and looking at work from a distance. objective. analytical. If a work of art is realised with due criticism, presence of the artist will aways be there..through the working out.


Carl Andre. Travertine/Basalt

Sadie Coles Gallery. 19 Jan - 05 March 2011

extremely quiet
see all the work in one room
permutations of floor tiles
all floor work
corner piece- leads viewer over to the corner
which way to walk round the cross?
view the corner pice differently depending on which way you walk towards it
each cube the same but different- surface detail, marks on the material, aesthetic quality

what am i looking at?
what am i looking for?


Picturing Science. 4 December 2010 - 26 February 2011

Exhibition at the Riverside Gallery, Richmond

Scientists use an abstract language of signs to visualise and explain the invisible forces, relationships and processes which make up our world. Artists similarly create images to transmit and analyse meaning. What happens when these two systems of representation collide, intersect and contaminate one another?

Had a lovely trip to Richmond yesterday.. my favorite piece in the exhibition were the drawings by  Alex Baker.

Love the simplicity and precision of the drawings. 
Interesting knowing how they were made.
Out of the control of the artist.
