
On Kawara

'date paintings'- each painting completed on the date shown. Should Kawara finish to fail a painting by midnight, he destroys it.

'You'll get it or you won't, be captivated or moved or not'. http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2002/dec/03/art.artsfeatures

What are the reasons why conceptual are is considered difficult?
Being struggling lately with 'the theme' in art? 'the theme' in my work? what is 'the theme'? what is meant by the theme? When researching On Kawara's work this came up...

However, what about the themes? Conceptual art was a movement in which the artists reconsidered the importance of the theme in art, placing emphasis on it. We may call it the art which used the 'importance of the theme' as the theme.... 
maybe this is my answer? 

Another of Kawaras works. 'one million years'