
Mark Wallinger. Threshold to the kingdom 2000

stills from video
(video 11mins, 12 secs)
(music Gregorio Allegri’s Miserere Me Deus)

Passengers arriving at London's International Arrivals

music- powerful, religious- allusion to heaven. 

strangely become fixed on the repetitive scenario of arrivals through the double doors. 
music helps move the video but apart from the religious overlay the beauty is in the anonymity of the situation, of airports and people in airports. journeys. lives in transit.
slow motion
uniqueness of each person, their walk, their actions 

'repetitive arrivals are a mix of satisfying, joyous, depressing and just ordinary. As I watched, I looked forward to each new face, each new bit of body language, but the bits are teases that evoke speculation on my part–no answers. And the lack of answers is what keeps me hanging on, waiting for the next arrival.'  