
some photos i took from the black balloon exhibition

Interesting exhibition space- displayed to public on the northbank. able to spend time with the piece, no pressure to move on.

Interesting watching members of the public (mainly joggers) do a double take to see 'whats going on'.

Video 1- outside of central london. the areas people never see.. beyond the buildings

VIDEO 2- tried to capture shots at the start of the video as the balloon took off.

when photographing the piece i began to notice not only the piece but the image behind the piece and the reflection through the window... i began trying to capture all of this. The video is showing a birds-eye view of buildings you can see infront and behind you ... maybe this was the reason for exhibiting in this space? 

linked to lecture- 'what is a photograph?' capturing reality. couldn't just capture images of the video without getting the light from the projector and the reflection. also shadows of people.. real space at certain time.