
Exhibition idea- dripping paint

Drip paint the length of my journey to the exhibition space. 

-site specific, relation to space where work is being shown. 

- about the physical line, don't want the paint to be just a trace of the 'journey' form a to b - too basic, too 

- what if i was to walk until the paint runs out?- testing the finite nature of the material

- people to question the line- outside of gallery space, wider public audience. unframed space.

Drip- comment on painting? 
         Jackson Pollock- action painting- no control over paint from moment when paint leaves the paintbrush, stick, tin etc to it hitting the surface

painted line.

element of control
longer line
easier to wash

process and performance- how to document this -video? 

video me producing the work?
video the public reaction?

Exhibition ideas

Rachel Whiteread

Rachel Whiteread.

'My drawings are a diary of my work'.

thoughts, tests, experiments
marks, spills, mistakes? untidy-  but accurate and precise?

The drawings are a trace of her thoughts and the mark of her own hand,  this is emphasised by her use of materials, drops of resin and correction fluid.

questions drawings as a preparatory medium

Tube drawings

06.10.10 (Southwark-London Bridge-Angel)

Record of tube journeys travelled since living in london.

why tube journeys? 

minimal. difficult to read? very little information to grasp- not enough information for audience? 
limiting audience?- an audience who is familiar with tube system would be able to recognize drawings as tube lines more easily than an audience that is not familiar with the system? 
why have i left so much information out? 
what information needs to be displayed with the drawings to make sense of them?
how would the series be displayed?

hand of making. (rachel whiteread)

topigraphical. - why am i copying the tube map? too simple, too basic?