
Lucinda Childs, Philip Glass, Sol Lewitt Dance

Research work on 'grids'.

note- link back to work of Agnes Martin


Tacita Dean

exhibition at the tate modern.  large film in turbine hall.

for the record. Ryan Gander. Lavinia Greenlaw

Ryan Gander- Locked room scenario.


Lavinia Greenlaw- Audio obscura.




Michael-Craig Martin

 An oak tree.

understanding conceptual art.

glass filled with water on shelf accompanied by text where he asks questions from himself about how the apparent glass can be a real oak tree.

language- semiotics. pragmatics. semantics.



'to be able to do it as a drawing and have alot of freedom in drawing is to be able to do twenty in order to find the one that right'

'with all art the biggest incentive is to see something'

'the only way to see something is to do it'
Its been a while and i'm in need of a critical journal. this was it in digital form.


Motion tracking, Image mapping

... putting ideas in motion.

along the lines of what i'm hoping to explore and achieve




maybe not quite to this extent now but someday.. ?

alot of technical help needed.


Susan Hiller

After visiting the exhibition at Tate Britain i wasnt sure i enjoyed it, so today i went back for a second look and was so glad i did. I realised that the first time i went id not really looked at all.

Witness 2000

Each speaker in the installation transmits a voice describing the experience of an encounter with UFOs or creatures from other spheres. A wide variety of languages represent testimonies from all over the world.

voices... how many people head straight to find a speaker which is the language they understand?

interesting... hear the same witness telling their story through different speakers at the same time as you move around the space.

which speaker dominates? 

room full of people.. become aware of real space when you look round and realise your the only person in the room

no denying that the installation is aesthetically pleasing. dream, space like. alien. technology. science. avatar. pathway through speakers leads to the middle- spotlight. spaceship. 

imagined, real or hallucinatory, the stories i listened to but cant remember. the work, not about the information being told but the whole experience of hearing it... beyond the rational. 

PSI Girls 1999

features imagery from films of girls with telekinetic powers. Synchronized moments of high tension when the girls use their psychic powers to move objects. 

sound... important feature. volume reaches a crescendo, a familiar cinematic device to increase tension, ending abruptly with white noise.

Matilda- unusual to see the scene without hearing the soundtrack, little bitty pretty one, song immediately holds connection with the film. light-hearted in comparison to the more serious, sinister mood of the other films.

An Entertainment 1990

four wall projection was devised as a formal necessity to immerse the viewer in the work and emphasise the horror and violence of a popular children's entertainment.

definitely become immersed in the work especially towards the end... movement of pattern. allusion. 

horror and violence but strangely comforting. pattern, colour, sounds- happiness. youth. fairgrounds. entertainment. play